I have always been a giver-upper, nothing could keep my
attention or make me want to push myself past those horrible moments when you
think to yourself ‘I can’t do this’.
I’ve played multiple musical instruments, played sports at school and
even gave acting a go. Obviously none of those things were for me, but finally
in my 20’s I discovered the best thing ever! Roller skating!
My roller skating story started when I decided that I wanted to wear stripy socks, shorts and roll around town! Nothing really to do with actually wanting to be a good skater. Lucky for me, my university housemate had the same idea. So we got some cheap skates, joined our local roller derby team and haven’t looked back since. Who knew I would fall in love with it so whole heartedly?! Finally, I’ve found something I am actually kind of good at! It hasn’t been exactly easy though and there have been times when I certainly wanted to give up. There have been more tears then I could possible count, a lot of sweat, the odd scrape and plenty of bruises. But there was always something that kept me going, was it the stripy socks? Probably, but also the incredible community that I can call myself part of and the boundless possibilities.
Featuring me and my Varsity Black and Gold Rio roller skates!
Get them here